Proudly Safe SA
Students employ a decision mapping process to examine scenarios in which individuals might be requested to send a sext. The emotional, social, ethical, and legal outcomes of sending or not sending a sext are analysed.

- Using Mobile Phones For Communication Has Both Benefits And Drawbacks.
- Grasping The Potential Social And Legal Consequences Of Sexting.
- Strategies To Decrease The Risk To One’s Own And Others’ Emotional And Social Well-Being.
- Make Cyber Space A Better Place Worksheet (Set Of A3 Sheets)
- Internet Access

Before you get started
The accessibility and social acceptability of communicating sexually through the internet or mobile phones has grown among young people today. The internet is considered highly significant by 82% of Australian teenagers aged 14-17, and 72% go online more than once daily. Although entertainment is the most popular online activity, communication is used by 62% of them. The use of blogging and online community activities through mobile phones experienced a substantial increase from 2009 to 2013, surpassing the number of teenagers engaging in these activities on a computer. (Australian Communications and Media Authority. Aussie teens and kids online. Accessed 7 July 2016).
The positive aspects of online communication, including promoting social development, maintaining long-distance relationships with family and friends, connecting with similar individuals, documenting events, and raising awareness of crucial matters, should be emphasised as much as the potential issues.
The crucial lesson for young people is to learn how to use mobile technology responsibly and safely.
It’s possible that a student has undergone a traumatic event related to sexting. Teachers must be knowledgeable about handling disclosures and have a risk management plan in place.
Students learn knowledge about sexting and its potential effects on one’s social and emotional well-being.
Instruct students to rise if they recognize the concept or term being referred to while you read out each of the following facts.
– Engaging in this activity requires trust and respect for the person you are doing it with, and obtaining their consent. Engaging in it without consent is a violation of trust and can be exploitative.
– About half of all teenagers aged 13 to 18 have engaged in this certain activity.
– Can have social, emotional, and legal ramifications for an individual.
– Typically involves mobile phones, but computers can also be involved.
– Typically leaves a permanent digital footprint once carried out.
– The primary motivation for this is often the desire for excitement and playful flirtation.
– It can become illegal if a minor is involved.
– Is the sharing of sexually suggestive photos and messages.
Once most of the class is standing, ask a random group to identify what you previously referred to. Young people may not commonly use the term “sexting.” They may use terms such as “nudes”, “spicy pics” or something similar.
Explain sexting refers to creating and sharing nude or sexually explicit images using a mobile phone, tablet, web-cam, or other device. It involves the digital recording of such images and their dissemination via mobile messaging or social media. The definition of “sexually explicit” may vary, but it generally refers to images that are intended to elicit sexual arousal in the recipient.
Watch the YouTube clip Make Cyberspace a Better Place – Amy – Sexting
After watching the “Make Cyberspace a Better Place” YouTube video, divide the students into seven groups and provide each with an A3 piece of paper. The should write one of the following questions on their piece of paper for the students to discuss and respond to as a group, with one designated person recording the collective answers around each question.
– What do you think Patrick should have done with the naked photos?
– If Amy was your friend – what would you do?
– If Patrick was your friend and he sent you these images of Amy, what advice would you give him?
– What are some risks that Amy took when she sent the naked photos?
– Each group will have 2 minutes to write their responses, after which they will hand over their sheet to the next group.
– If a group finds a response they concur with, they should place a tick next to it.
– After each group has had a chance to respond, ask a representative from each group to present a summary of their answers to the questions they were given.