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Respectful relationships online

Students gain insight into the concept of cyber bullying and the consequences of sharing information on the internet.


  • Everyone Is Unique And Deserves To Be Treated With Dignity.
  • Available Health Information Resources (Such As Websites And Brochures) That Are Trustworthy And Dependable Can Provide Assistance And Information To Make Online Communication Safer.
  • By Making Knowledgeable Decisions, We Can Increase Our Safety.
  • We Can Assist Our Friends In Making Suitable Selections While Online.
  • Individuals Who Have Experienced Cyber Bullying Require Support From Their Peers, Loved Ones, And Educational Institutions.
  • It Is Crucial To Report To A Trustworthy Authority Figure (Teachers, Parents, Or Law Enforcement) To Put An End To Cyber Bullying.


  • A3 Piece Of Paper Per Group
  • Internet Access

Before you get started

Before starting this lesson, make sure a group agreement is established. For classes that have already set guidelines, quickly reviewing them can enhance the chances of having a successful lesson.
The exchange of sexual content online or through mobile phones is becoming more prevalent and socially accepted among young people. It is crucial to emphasize both the positive aspects of online communication, such as fostering social growth, maintaining long-distance connections with loved ones, building relationships with individuals with similar interests, recording events, and raising awareness of crucial matters, and the potential drawbacks. The most vital message for young people is to know how to use technology responsibly and safely.
A student’s involvement in a traumatic experience related to cyber bullying is a possibility. It is crucial for teachers to be knowledgeable about dealing with disclosures and have a plan for managing risk.


Students gain an understanding of cyber bullying by exchanging ideas and taking both online and verbal quizzes.


Organise students into groups of four. Supply each group with a blank A3 sheet of paper and create a placemat with the word “cyber bullying” at the centre. Have students participate in a placemat activity to formulate a definition for the term cyber bullying.


– What is cyber bullying?
– What can cyber bullying look like?
– Cyber bullying typically involves three different people, can you identify who they might be? (Perpetrator, target, and bystander)
– What are the differences between cyber bullying and other forms of bullying?
– Why do you think people bully others?
– How do you think it feels to be cyber bullied?
– What is a bystander?
– What might a positive and a negative bystander do?
– Why do you think someone might choose to be a negative bystander?
– Who are you supporting if you are aware of someone being cyber bullied and do nothing?

Designate one side of the room to agree and the other side to disagree.


– Is this an example of cyber bullying? Posting an embarrassing photo of a friend just to humiliate them?
– Creating a poll to embarrass someone
– Creating rumours about someone online
– Making a fake profile of someone that is hurtful
– Threatening to blackmail someone online with information they don’t want published
– Not accepting a friend request
– Sending abusive text messages
– Photoshopping a picture of someone to make them look bad
– (Only (6) is not an example of cyber bullying

Watch the “Tagged” video on the website.


In small groups, students answer the following focus questions as a prelude to a class-wide discussion and contemplation:

– Why do you think Kate posted photos of Chloe on her blog?
– Was it fair for Jack to retaliate by posting the photos of Kate?
– Why do you think Em chose not to stand up for Kate?
– In what way was Em’s behaviour helpful/unhelpful?
– What are the main takeaways from this videos?
– How could you encourage these characters to make more appropriate choices?
– What do you think might motivate someone to help a person who is being unfairly targeted online?
– What strategies could you think of that might stop cyber bullying if you saw it happening?

Emphasise that providing aid to friends and classmates who are encountering cyber bullying early on can prevent them from experiencing significant discomfort in the future.