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In person vs Online communication

Students delve into the similarities and disparities between online and in-person communication and investigate protective measures to guarantee their secure usage of technology while communicating.


  • Trusted And Credible Health Information Resources, Including Websites, Are Available To Offer Guidance And Information On Secure Online Communication.
  • Individuals Can Employ Tactics To Make Well-Informed Decisions.
  • Choosing Wisely Can Increase Our Safety.


  • Communication PowerPoint
  • Textas
  • Butcher’s Paper
  • Access To The Internet

Before you get started

Online communication has become a widely accessible and socially acceptable form of connecting. It’s even the primary way that young people communicate today. It’s crucial to emphasize the benefits of online communication as much as its potential drawbacks. The key lesson for youth is to be responsible with technology and learn how to use it securely.
It’s possible that a student has gone through a traumatic experience related to online communication. It’s crucial for teachers to be equipped to handle such disclosures and have a plan in place for managing related risks.


With technology-based communication becoming more widespread and advanced, it’s important for youth to comprehend the worth of in-person communication. This exercise enables students to examine the pros and cons of both online and face-to-face communication and emphasises that both have a role in today’s society.


Display slide 3 of the Communication PowerPoint presentation. Instruct the students to determine the recurring theme among all the images.

The shared theme is communication, with some images depicting in-person communication and others depicting communication through technology.

Split the class into small groups, providing each group with butcher’s paper and markers. Ask them to partition the butcher’s paper into four sections.

The first section should be labelled “Advantages of Online Communication”. Repeat the process for the remaining sections: the second section, labelled “Drawbacks of Online Communication”; the third section, labelled “Benefits of In-Person Communication”; and the fourth section, labelled “Difficulties of In-Person Communication”.

Have the groups brainstorm and share their thoughts in each section. During discussion, emphasise the significance of nonverbal cues and express how their absence in tech communication can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. Emphasise also that online bullying is easier as it lacks face-to-face accountability, making it a cowardice act.


(Optional Activity) – This concept can be expanded by incorporating role-plays based on the group’s discussion of the advantages and difficulties they identified.

– Assign 1,2,3, or 4 to each group
– Ask each group to create a short performance based on the scenarios they came up with in their previous responses.

Encourage pairs or small groups of students to visit the “Games and Quizzes” section of the website.

Urge the students to take the Cybersmart quiz and investigate the comic book capers game on the website.

Have students share the results of their exploration of the esafety website, including their experience with the Cybersmart quiz and comic book capers game. Facilitate a discussion on how they can find answers to questions that arose.


Discuss the questions featured on slide 4 of the Communication PowerPoint.